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TLV Angels

TLV Angels specializes in offering tailored investment banking services to angels and Israeli investors seeking lucrative opportunities within the technology sector in the Baltic countries.


What is an Angel investor ?


An Angel investor is a private person who has equity and chooses to invest it in start-up companies, or venture companies.

The role of an Angel is to finance the start-up in the stages of the initial capital. In exchange for this, he will receive part of the ownership in the company (shares) and enjoy its future profits.

Another option available to Angel is to provide financing for a specific project in the form of a loan, which the start-up will return to him later when he can afford such repayment.

No matter which way the Angel chooses to invest in your venture, it is an investment that is of crucial importance to the success of your venture, certainly when you are at the stage of raising the initial capital.



What is the advantage of recruiting an Angel investor ? 

First, when you are looking for an Angel investor, you have the opportunity and the right to recruit an investor who comes from the field and has a passion for investing in a venture like yours.

There is no doubt that every investor who brings capital is blessed, but believe us that if this capital comes accompanied by a real connection to your venture, it is in the right direction.

We will mention this tip further on, but you must understand that if the whole project provides a solution to a problem or a need that your investor has a personal touch on, you are on the right track.

In addition, it is likely that such an investor who comes from the field in which your venture deals, can connect you with leading parties in the industry, who can help you promote your venture.


Unparalleled opportunity

TLV Angel's parent company, Tel Aviv Capital, is renowned for its influential board members, including former Israeli parliament members, senior government officials, and former Chairmen and CEOs of major financial institutions. This powerful network enhances our capability to provide exceptional access to  Israeli Angels.

We’re at TLV Angels always open to discussing innovative ideas, and exploring new partnerships.

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